Tuesday, January 20, 2015

To the Bus That Hit Me Last Night..

When I could've wished for anything, I wished for you. And I wished for us. And I wished to walk through this life with you by my side for the rest of my time. 

When I dreamed, I dreamed of our life together. In a house, with our daughter chasing Bubby in circles around the yard, country music playing in the background, coals smoldering, wine in my hand, beer in yours. 

Last night all that shattered beneath me. Last night something hit me like a bus. Last night I realized, that asking for you to innate certain qualities, is asking for you to change, when youre not willing to. And I realized that's not fair of me to do to you. 

So for that I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I drug this out. I'm sorry that I asked you to possess qualities you didn't want. I'm sorry I couldn't let you go sooner. And I'm sorry that I was just too much.. I needed too much, I asked for too much, I wanted too much love, I wanted to feel too much.

They say you're always going to be too much of something, for someone. And it turns out I was just too much of everything for you.

I hope you take the love I have for you, though. And I hope you hold it as tight as you can. Because I can promise you, nobody will love you the way I do. The way I always will. It hurts that I cant make this work. It kills me. But I'm doing you more damage fighting and trying to keep us together. 
I hope you find someone that keeps you happy. I hope you find whatever it is you need.