Friday, June 21, 2013

Lassen Sie die Kugeln um glücklich zu sein

I think boredom is something we create in our minds as an excuse when were unhappy with something else we've chosen. You don't just get bored with things. Unless it's a video game you've beat three times over. I think boredom is an excuse we use to avoid facing whatever it is inside of ourselves that scares us, or whatever it is that makes us unhappy.
And I think we have no one to blame for our boredom other than ourselves. And no one can fix it, other than ourselves.
You'll only ever be as happy as YOU allow yourself to think you deserve to be.
And I think a lot of us need to realize that happiness isn't something you find.. I believe happiness is something you create. You could be happy with everything if you allowed yourself to be.
It isn't about having the best things, or the biggest bank account. Happiness is about hating your job, but loving what you get to come home to. Happiness is about having the shittiest day, but going home and realizing when you lay down at night, there's no where else you could imagine being. Happiness is understanding that there are shitty parts of life, reallyyy shitty parts, but there's also reallyyy wonderful parts, and that those really wonderful parts could mean more, and outweigh the shitty parts if only we would allow it.
Boredom and happiness could be the two easiest controlled factors in this life, and yet we fail to realize it. Of course there are always going to be things that suck. And things that no matter how hard you try you just can't be happy with, but Thats when the smaller things in your life that you actually are happy with, should matter most to you. Thats when it should be easiest to enjoy those wonderful things.
So have the balls to face what scares you. Have the balls to face what makes you unhappy. Have the balls to work at changing it.

Have the balls to be happy.

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