Monday, February 3, 2014

Reader's discretion is advised..

I generally try to keep my profanity to a minimum in my blog posts.. but today is an exception. I have too much built up frustration to contain any vulgarities. So,  if you possess any of the following characteristics; oversensitivity, religious righteousness, the feeling of entitlement, or if you're just a little bitch, you should probably stop reading before you are offended by what I'm about to say.

First point of attack on the list; My job. Or jobs rather. I work two jobs, granted one is just 20 hours a week of office work, so I don't really know if I can consider it work, but I do anyway. On top of my two jobs, I'm pregnant. I don't get paid shit. I'm a broke ass bitch. Constantly. But I still go to work, I put in my best effort to have an upbeat attitude and put aside my personal issues while im there. Yeah, I fucking hate being there. Yeah, after 10-11 hours, my feet fucking hurt. And yeah, I deal with stuuuupid fucking people alllll god damn day, but guess what, being a dick hole to everyone around you does absolutely nothing for you. So if you're gonna come at me with a shifty attitude for no reason other than the fact that you're unhappy with being 60 fucking years old and still only being the hostess of a restaurant, making eight worthless dollars an hour, I'm gonna give you what you deserve and I'm gonna treat you the same fucking way. Then when you wanna whine and cry about how I disrespected you, I'm just going to throat jab you. Simple as that.
Number two; religion. I am not, in the slightest bit, religious. I dont give a dick what you believe in, God, Ala, fucking Santa Claus, I don't care. Im not one to judge based on such a simple principle, Until you relentlessly shove your beliefs down my throat and critisize me, my life, and my choices, using religion as a standing ground. Guess what bitch?! When you die, you're gonna go to the saaame fucking place I am. A coffin, and then straight into the damn ground. There's nothing else after this. Regardless of what choices you make now, regardless of if you murder thirty people, or you end world hunger, were all getting the same treatment after this life. There's no special place. This is fucking it. So don't sit in front of me and tell me that because I'm pregnant, unmarried, living with the father of my baby, and tattooed, that I'm condemned to a lower place than you are.
Number three; personal opinions of my pregnancy. Yes, I'm twenty years old. Yes, im about to have a kid. Yes, I'm scared shitless. And yes, I still have a lot of "young years" left. But I couldn't be more proud of my baby girl. And I couldn't be more proud of the fact that I'm bringing something so amazing into this world. I'm so tired of hearing dead beats tell me about how I'm "missing out" on my "golden years".. missing out?! I'm contributing to creating another human being. I get to watch this little girl go from being 100% dependent on me, to whatever the hell she chooses to be. I get to be graced with the presence of a person that will love me endlessly and be happy to spend nothing more than time with me. I get to be a mommy. The years with my little girl are going to be my golden years. I'm not missing out on anything.. while you're out contributing to your own liver failure, participating in casual encounters with last night's drunken mistake, popping the morning after pill, and trying to piece together why your asshole hurts, I'll be watching a young women bloom into everything she dreams of being, resting my head at the end of everyday with my perfect man, and creating/supporting a life for the people that mean the entire world to me. I wouldn't fucking change a thing. So don't tell me I'm making a mistake. Don't tell me I'm missing out. Because honestly, I look at my life and the things coming up, and I cant picture a more perfect story. The way I see it, you're missing out.

Now that I've probably offended someone, I'm done, finally, and I feel much better. Heheh(:

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