Friday, March 21, 2014

A letter to my daughterđź’–

Growing up my dad has always been my best friend, my biggest fan, my guardian, and my guidance. I hope to be half the parent he's been to me all those years. So here's a list of things I've learned, and I hope to teach you too;

1. Nothing you do will ever make me love you any less. I love you more and more everyday and I promise nothing will ever take away from that.

2. Beauty is defined by the person you choose to be. Not your body or the way you dress.

3. When life pushes you to your breaking point, you push back. Don't give up.

4. Girls are mean. Thats just the way it is, and always has been. But that doesn't mean you need to be one of those girls.

5. Being stubborn isn't a bad thing.. but know when to give in.

6. Your independence is the most important quality you'll ever possess. And don't let anyone take it away from you.

7. No matter how broke/sad/hurt you are today, tomorrow is still going to come. Don't give up.

8. You're going to have your heart broken. Probably more than once. Learn from it. Grow from it. And keep moving forward.

9. You can do anything you put your mind to. Sounds cliche, I know. But I mean it.

10. Never be afraid of your feelings or emotions. You're human. And even more importantly, you're female. We have holes, and they leak. Crying isn't something to be ashamed of.

11. I'll be 100% open and honest with you. Not so you can follow in my footsteps, but so you can learn from my mistakes.

12. Speak your mind. Always. Thats the only way anyone is ever going to know what your thinking.

13. Don't be afraid of the word "no". Especially with boys.

14. A good mascara is worth the investment.

15. You're probably going to hate me at least once in your life, but know the door will always be wide open when you're ready to settle the dust.

16. When I tell you you can't do something, it's not because I want to be an asshole.. it's because I care and believe it or not.. I do know a thing or two.

17. I'll always be your best friend, but remember I'm also your mom.

18. Never be afraid to say you're sorry. It doesn't mean you're weak. It means you're strong enough to realize and admit when you're wrong.

19. Grammar. Learn it. And use it. "Nobody wurth ur tym lyks a gurl dat talks lyk diz".

20. The movies lie. Love is never easy. It's not a missing glass slipper, and a prince charming swooping in to save the day. It's hard work, communication, trust, and humor.

21. Don't ever be afraid to put up a fight. But remember to fight fair.

22. Music makes everything better.

23. Don't use make up to cover up your face. Less is more. I promise.

24. Go big or go home. Even if you fail, at least you can say you tried.

25. Travel.

26. Life isn't about how many followers you have on Twitter or instagram. Remember to put the phone down and enjoy life.

27. If it makes you uncomfortable don't do it, say it, or wear it.

28. No matter what I will always come when you call.

29. Challenge yourself.

30. Don't be afraid to try something new.

31. Bad haircuts happen.. they grow out. Eventually.

32. There's no such thing as perfect.

33. You can always come home.

34. You can't control what others think or say. Dont let it control you, Learn to let it go.

35. Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

36. If you want something in life, don't bat your eyes and giggle until someone hands it to you, go out and work for it.

37. Hard work is the most rewarding, even if it doesn't feel like it right away.

38. Ice cream is good for the heart.

39. Don't be afraid to act silly.

40. You'll never change anything if you don't try.

41. Don't forget to take time to be alone.

42. If you can't find the way to say something, write it. Some times it's easier to sort through things that way.

43. Don't play dumb because you think it's cute. Boys don't like dumb girls, they're just easier to take advantage of.

44. Growing up isn't going to be easy, but I promise to make it as easy as I can for you.

45. It may not always feel like it, but I am on your side.

46. Dont ever try to hide or feel bad for what you feel. And dont ever feel like you owe anyone an explanation for it either. Youre allowed all the feelings in the world, for any and every reason at all.

47. Youre going to be weird and awkward.. Youre my kid and thats just the way it will be. So embrace it. Anyone that doesnt like it, doesnt deserve your presence.

48. Youre allowed to change your mind. And youre allowed to be indecisive. Thats in the beauty of being female.

49. Youre never too old to cuddle with mama.

50. Before you can ever love anyone else, you have to love yourself.

I've got a lot to learn about this parenting thing. And no part of me expects any of this to be easy. But I hope you know that no matter how hard it gets or how many obstacles we run into along the way, were in this together, and I will never give up on you, Jersey Rayne.

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